Tuesday, March 13, 2012

HHS Mandate:
Let's Just Wait and See

I was surprised by the reaction I received last month when I wrote a post for Joe Catholic entitled "First they came for..." in which I quoted Martin Niemöller's famous reflection on the Holocaust. I got slammed by some on the Reddit's Catholicism page. People thought I was comparing the mandate to the Holocaust or to the persecution of Catholics in Mexico during the martyrdom of Blessed Miguel Pro. Perhaps I underestimated people's ability to comprehend what I was suggesting. I was pointing out that this attack on religious freedom is a slippery slope we dare not let go unnoticed. I am not the only one making this claim. Cardinal Dolan has recently made similar remarks in his letter to fellow bishops.

Throughout history totalitarian governments have prevailed because so few were alert to see it coming before it was too late. To all of you who think that we are making too big a deal about the Obama administration's HHS mandate, I say WAKE UP! Perhaps this video will give you an idea what this comfortable, wait-and-see attitude can get you.

1 comment:

  1. I'm rather surprised that people assumed you were comparing HHS to Nazis - your point was very clear, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." - attributed to Edmund Burke though disputed. Do I think Obama is a Nazi? No, I think he is Naive. Do I think there is a culture war going on with a "take no prisoners" attitude developing - without question. Your point is simple enough. Stand up and resist, or sit down and take it.
